
First Time User Guide

Last Update
2024/05/31 11:27

Are you using Roubit for the first time?

We'll guide you through downloading and getting started with the Roubit app.
Please download the Roubit app.
Go to Appstore
Please press “Start”
Enter the nickname you want to use freely
* You can set the nickname the same as others.
Please select a gender identity you most closely identify with
If you have received an invitation code from a friend, please enter it
*If you receive an invitation code from a friend, you can receive various rewards!
Please enter how you found out about Roubit.
Please connect your social media accounts
*If you connect to your existing Kakao / Google / Apple account, you can still use the app with the same settings even if you delete and reinstall Roubit!
Still have unanswered questions?
Email: If you have any bugs or feedback, please email us at for a quick response from our development team!
*Your valuable feedback is always a big help to Roubit! :)
Go to [Roubit > Settings > Inquiry/Bug/FAQ > Inquiry & Report Bugs] to send bugs and inquiries from the app!